Choice of Viewpoint

I walked around the beach for an hour to find where I wanted to paint. There were amazing views of cliffs and water, I decided on this view, however it was close to the water and there were no paved paths to it. Steeling myself, I dragged my gear in a sandy beach for ten minutes to get to where I wanted to set up my easel. The tide came in, and the wind blew small droplets of ocean water in my face — I had to wipe off my glasses from the sea salt formation once every half an hour.
I do not use any water resistant material to keep the white color of the paper; nor do I use opaque white to cover up the paint, it is never as white as the paper. I had to decide from the early stages of the painting where I wanted my whitecaps to appear on the painting, and carefully paint around them.

Rodeo Beach, Analytic Transparent Watercolor by Sara Kahn, July 2014, San Francisco California

Rodeo Beach
San Francisco, California. July 2014. Framed 35” x 29”.
Analytic Transparent Watercolor

♥ Juried into Emerald Art Center Annual show 2015, Portland, Oregon.

Sara Kahn Painting at Rodeo Beach San Francisco, California. Transparent watercolor.

Sara painting at the coast

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